Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Here's some photos of Nkem on St George's Day. We're waiting now to see the documentary!
What impressed me was Nkem dancing on the way back after filming the final bit...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Out on St George's Day

Hooray for St George! We danced out with our friends, New Esperance, as well as the Hammersmith Men and the Old Palace Clog. No photos of us yet but we're hoping... Somehow, we're usually too busy dancing to take photos.

This one, from the Esps' Facebook page shows even a broken ankle can't stop a Morris dancer - or not Fiona, anyway!

London Pride Morris featured a first performance by Nkem, and also by Hannah Judge (that's why we were London Pride Morris on this occasion, not London Pride Morris Men).

Thanks for having us, ladies - we enjoyed the dancing of you and your other guests immensely!