Sunday, July 13, 2014

12 July: Westminster Choir School Fete

It was a blisteringly hot Saturday, and the thousands of tourists milling around Westminster were mostly quite unaware of a school fair taking place a few yards away.

Dean's Yard, next to Westminster Abbey,  is the headquarters of the Church of England, and also holds Westminster School and Westminster Abbey Choir School., whose summer fete this was.

We enjoyed strawberries, and beer from the Ringers Arms - a regular beer tent run by the Westminster Abbey Company of Ringers. No pix of us dancing as we didn't have any spare hands....

This really was your typical school fete, with Tombolas, barbecue and bric-a-brac, and a bouncy-castle-like thing. It felt strange to have that, right in the heart of town.

We alternated shows with the excellent Haringey Young Musicians' Big Band - one of whom tried extending his range of instruments... 

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