Monday, December 05, 2005

An Eventful Feast

We formally danced in our two new men and officially gave them their baldricks and hats, and spent the afternoon dancing.
Allan had emailed me a suggested list of dances, with a jig in the middle, which it turned out was for him to do. (I am very grateful for him thinking of the running order as I hadn't.)

We had an RHP - (Rapid Half Pint) at the pub before going back for the feast itself.
Peter J phoned me while we were there to say he couldn't get to the feast. - So I was acting up as Squire. Noah dutifully volunteered to be Vice-Bagman, and sat beside me for the feast.
William phoned me just as I got back to the hall to say that Allan had collapsed in the pub.
Allan was taken to UCL hospital (unwillingly I think!) and it seems to have been just a combination of low blood pressure and low blood sugar, after doing 4 dances on the trot and then a jig.
While all that was going on Simon was missing. He seems to have got lost on the way back form the pub.
Eventually Simon turned up just as William and Bob came in from being with Allan, and then Richard after about an hour (he'd stayed with Allan)

All was OK in the end, and it doesn't seem to have been anything more serious. Allan still managed to catch the last tube home.
We still managed to have a few songs and a lovely meal (the venison was delicious!)

Noah learnt the value of doing Greek Gods for his project at school, having had the conversation at table dominated by debates about which God did what and what was the Roman version, and how did the Can Can fit in with it all?

Antony took some photos - Hopefully he'll post a couple on the blog.

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